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Your PTA

Your Washington School PTA

The all-volunteer Washington Elementary PTA is an active and engaged group that provides a wide variety of support and resources for our students, families, teachers/staff and the greater community. At Washington Elementary, we consider every parent, caregiver and teacher to be a member of our PTA, and we invite you to get involved. For more information, contact PTA leadership.

To subscribe to the Washington Weekly newsletter and to receive PTA updates, sign up here.

2022-23 PTA Leadership

Co-Leader, PTA Council Rep: Ursula Arsenault

Co-Leader, PTA Council Rep: Shannon Fujimura

Treasurer and PEP Liaison: Lindsay Janasiak

Secretary and Communications Coordinator:

Principal Advisory Committee – to join the PAC, please contact the principal,  Dr. Elizabeth Cardenas-Lopez


Calendar Coordinator: Adriana Fiore

Directory Coordinator: Liza Holtzman

Spanish Translator: Monica Garreton Chavez

Special Ed Liaison to D65: Silvia Rodriguez

Washington Weekly Newsletter Editor: 

Website Coordinator:

Community Involvement

Washington CARES Coordinators: Sunni Barbera, Danielle Chu and Sara Walker

Community Connector Volunteer Lead: Sarah Steuerman

ESCCA Co-Chairs: Valerie Velho and Sara Walker

Garden Co-Chairs: Jeanne Barclay and Jennifer Satut

PTA Agenda and Minutes

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Washington PTA Exec Team Meeting 10-29-2019

Washington PTA Executive Committee Meeting
October 29, 2019

In Attendance: Kate Ellison, Norah Utley, Kelly Spence, Ursula Aresenault, Tracy Olasimbo, Katie Brick, Lisa Applegate

Many thanks to Tracy, Ursula, Katie, and other board members who have helped out when club leaders have been absent or other confusions arouse. We are in desperate need of someone to volunteer as chair, an

d agreed it’s time to communicate in as many ways as possible:

Tracy and Katie will develop language that includes the fact that we are now at risk of not having Winter Clubs if someone doesn’t volunteer. The job is seasonal, can be done at home and doesn’t require meetings or set hours, and the systems have already been put in place (and club organizations have already been recruited) so the process is simple. We are looking for someone who is organized and able to communicate in a timely manner with club organizers and parents.
Lisa will then use that language to ask community connectors to email their families. Norah will post language on Facebook.

We also noted that other key volunteers will have to be recruited next year for Fall Fest, Bird Bash, and a school supplies coordinator.

2. Planning for Friday’s Principal Coffee:
Kate will start Q&A and open-ended discussions, and then members of the exec board will give update on open slate positions (especially Clubs) and PTA activities. Kelly will have a treasury update available too.

3. School Supplies:
This is the first year of using Cheddar Up for the school supplies, and we are still working out the kinks. This year, to avoid sending bills home with kids, Kate had been emailing families - she’s had to follow up with about half of the families who hadn’t paid. We were about $4,000 short this fall.

Spring may have to include a more visible push to make sure parents pay, and we may need to boost the amount we give teachers. Are we covering the amount needed for teachers? (We’ve always had surplus in past years.)


more  For COVID assistance to our families through the Evanston Community Foundation (Check off the "PTA Equity Fund" box: