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News & Announcements

Washington School arches

Washington Newsletter

The bilingual Washington email newsletter provides information and resources for the school community. The PTA will provide a paper copy to all families who do not have access to email upon request. If you're getting two copies, here's why.

Digital Flyers

Washington compiles a list of district and community events of particular interest to Washington families. View Washington's digital flyers online

District 65 maintains a list with more flyers that is regularly updated

If you need school and district flyers on paper for families who do not have access to email, please contact the PTA.


Washington has developed its own SLACK community as of September 2020 which has been designated as the primary communication and community-building vehicle for the school community.  Messages posted in English will be auto-translated into Spanish, there's no cost to join, it is suitable for those who do not want to be on social media channels such as Facebook and Instagram.

To be invited to Slack, which is a channel for current Washington families only, please contact Ursula Arsenault at


We are retaining a public page for people interested in Washington who are not current Washington Families.  You can “Like” this page at

Classroom Communication

The staff directory lists emails, phones and a website if your child's teacher has one. Some teachers communicate with parents directly; some set up Google Plus accounts so parents can see daily classroom activities. Phones don't ring in the classroom during the school day, so it's best to call the office if you need to reach your child during the day.

View staff directory

Communication With Other Washington Community members (such as other parents or guardians)

You can search for a family members' information in the Washington Directory.  Sign up or Log in at  Membership Toolkit

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